Student Life
The ISS places a large emphasis on engaging students not only in the classroom but in all aspects of their time in Norway. A wide variety of social programming runs throughout the summer, encouraging students to build connections with both their peers and the city of Oslo. Additionally, for desiring students, the school provides modernized, ISS-specific accommodations to cultivate a spirit of community.
Campus and Accommodations
Transportation between Rønningen and Blindern offers many routes using Oslo’s public transport options. The most common operators are the 11/12 trams, the 4/5 metro lines, and the 25 and 56 buses. All Rønningen residents will receive an Oslo travel pass with their accommodations package, and the Ruter app is recommended for updated route mapping throughout the entire city.
Blindern Address
Universitetet i Oslo
Boks 1072 Blindern
0316 OSLO
Rønningen Address
Rønningen folkehøgskole
Myrerskogveien 54
0495 OSLO